Annually, the 26th of September has been designated World Contraception Day”. It is a global initiative that is dedicated to raising awareness about family planning and reproductive health. We truly recognize the impact that contraceptive choices can offer individuals, families, communities, and societies. The theme of this year’s World Contraception Day “the power of options” reminds us of the right of individuals and couples to decide freely and responsibly about their bodies, and the number and
spacing of children.

Expanding options for reproductive health via discovering notable innovations for family planning through self-care is currently changing the dynamic of family planning services, especially in Nigeria by
offering services in PHCs, community pharmacies, and PPMVs offering even better opportunities and options for women and girls.
We must recognize that contraception is not a matter of convenience, but a fundamental human right, and access to these options empowers women to take control of their lives, pursue education, achieve career aspirations promote gender equality and women’s rights, and contribute to healthier families and reduces and reduce burden on the healthcare systems.
While we celebrate the progress we have made in expanding access to contraception, we acknowledge the challenges that persist. Access to healthcare and societal taboos and misconceptions surrounding family planning continue to hinder progress. However, there is reason for optimism, and we must recommend the efforts of stakeholders in pushing the agenda for contraceptive services. Organizations, governments, and advocates around the world are working tirelessly to expand access to contraception, reduce stigma, and provide education on reproductive health. Innovative solutions, such as telemedicine and e-health, are making it even easier for people to access appropriate contraception methods.
It is essential that we view these challenges as opportunities for change. By coming together, advocating for improved access, and challenging the stigma surrounding contraception, we can pave the way for a
future where every individual can exercise their right of choice.
At PSHAN, we recognize that disparities in access still exist, with millions of people around the world lacking access to basic contraceptive services. Through our flagship project, the ADHFP, we continue to
revitalize and strengthen PHCs to offer a range of services including family planning services to women and girls thus, complementing the efforts of the private sector to ensure a holistic total market approach in Nigeria’s healthcare system.
As we commemorate World Contraception Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to the power of options in reproductive health and persist in our efforts to ensure that every person, regardless of their background or circumstances, has access to the information and resources needed to make informed choices about their reproductive health. let us remember that the power of options in reproductive health extends far beyond the realm of individual choice. It has the potential to transform societies, empower women, improve health outcomes, and contribute to a more Let us celebrate World Contraception Day as a reminder of the progress we’ve made and the work that still lies ahead in achieving reproductive health and family planning for all.