Africa’s per capita healthcare spend insufficient to address complex challenges – Aig-Imoukhuede
A recent courtesy visit by the USAID team to PSHAN’s headquarters, Lagos, presented a favourable opportunity to discuss the progress, next steps and possible avenues for collaboration to bolster sustainable impact of various future and current health development initiatives.
At the meeting, Dr. TInuola gave an overview of PSHAN’s activities with the Adopt-A-Healthcare-Facility Programme (ADHFP) taking centre stage with plans to revitalize 15 PHCs before the end of 2023. PHC adoption projection and states where revitalization will take place within this year were also discussed alongside our achievements at the 2 pilot sites located at Bauchi and Delta States.
Dr. Anne provided an overview of other programmes being executed which include SEMA-RH(Shaping Equitable Market Access – Reproductive Health), C19-VHAN (Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Assessment in Nigeria), CAP (Covid Awareness Programme) and SUFNUT (Support for Nutrition Project)
We thank USAID, Nigeria for its efforts to contribute to the efficient performance of the Nigerian healthcare sector and look forward to future partnerships for the goals.
#USAID #healthcare #ADHFP #PHC #primaryhealthcare